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Moon Meditation Template

Now that we've busted some meditation myths on the podcast, and talked more about working with the moon in your daily practice in school, I thought a lunar meditation template would be a super helpful tool that can be referenced again and again, and morphed into any one's individual meditation style. Hopefully after that podcast episode you're feeling inspired and open to trying some new ways of tapping into a meditative headspace because you will get so much more out of your experience with the moon when you don't block yourself with doubt and judgment, and just let your intuition flow.

When it comes to connecting with a specific entity or energy during meditation, there are a few basics you'll want to follow. Both the Spirit Safety Guide and Energy Fields previous blog articles will provide some good context here for any beginners.

The following list is intended to be a point of reference to get your intuitive juices flowing, nothing on it is technically "necessary."

You May Benefit From Incorporating:

  • Colors, crystals, candles, or other small objects that correspond to your natal moon placement, or the current phase/sign the moon is in.

  • A picture or visual representation of the moon.

  • A nearby window, whether open or closed. (It's okay if you can't see the moon, the energy is still there, I promise.)

  • The energy you've discovered from your Moon Placement Journal Guide, which is also a super handy place to find more lunar correspondences.

  • Music, scents, or scenes that honor the energy you are connecting with.

  • Your journal/a notebook and something to write with.

First and foremost, to set yourself up for success and to more effectively achieve a meditative state, begin with your spiritual hygiene basics:

→ Ground your energy.
→ Cleanse your energy.
→ Protect your energy.

You can do all three of these things in your preferred method with your preferred tools. And remember, this can be as simple as visualizing and affirming these actions for yourself, you don't need anything fancy if you don't have anything readily available.


The Template:

1. Once you have provided yourself space to regulate and safely open up, this is the time I would encourage you to invite the moon's energy into your meditation for the duration of your practice that day. Use specific words that make it clear what energy is and is not welcome and received. Let yourself sit with a solid Knowing that your energetic protection is powerful and effective throughout your meditative journey. Proceed with calm confidence.

2. You may immediately start receiving messages from the moon in the form of images, memories, audible words or phrases, or sensations. You are also welcome to ask any questions you have for the moon's wisdom. Remain open-minded, and if it won't break your meditative space you can write down anything that comes forth (don't worry if that doesn't feel possible without breaking the meditation, I just encourage you to have pen and paper ready to write down any notes immediately following your experience).

Throughout the process allow any human judgments on your part to fade into the background, you can let them go for now as they will not serve a purpose here during intuitive work. Trust what comes through–you never know what will totally click and make sense later on for you or someone else.

3. When you feel or when you are shown that your meditative time has come to a close, make an intentional point to thank the energy you have been working with and receiving messages from, and say a very clear and pointed goodbye to complete the journey and seal off your energetic field. After you are finished, if you're able to take your time, please do so. But even if you have a bit of a rush, do not forget to Ground, Cleanse, and Protect your energy a final time.


Helpful Notes to Keep in Mind:

🌙 If "nothing" comes through for you, that's okay! Usually it is our human perception of disappointment that gets us to think of a more passive or quiet meditation as a form of "nothing" happening. I used to feel this way when I would fall asleep during meditation; I'd get so frustrated! But think about it, what was there to be frustrated about? That I received what must have been some much-needed rest? Some of the best perspective I was ever given years and years ago was from someone who told me, "When I fall asleep during meditation, I think that's my guides' way of letting me know that my body and/or mind needs rest more than anything at that time." This was revolutionary to me! And I hope it helps you too.

🌙 When we do any kind of intuitive practice, it's important to release our expectations as much as possible. Expectations are formed from our very microscopic view of what is a much larger picture. They're not necessary, detract from the purity of our spiritual experience, and usually overcomplicate what is meant to be a profoundly simple message. Our guides, our gods, our higher selves, and our ancestors all want us to receive their messages, so they tend to make them very basic and digestible for us. It's when we respond with, it can't be THAT straight forward... that indicates we are letting expectations creep up and shroud our perception. Yes, it really can be that simple and that straight forward ;)

🌙 Just as our emotions are always ebbing and flowing, just like the moon is always cycling through its various phases, each lunar meditation will be unique in and of itself. So don't compare your experience to someone else's, and don't be surprised if every time you meditate with the moon things look or feel totally different. The time, the day of the week or month, your current emotional state, your environment, and many other factors can and will influence how it feels and what comes through. Stay open, keep notes, and enjoy building your own special relationship to lunar energy.

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Comment below and let others know how this goes for you! Especially if you practice more than once—hearing a variety of organic experiences helps us keep an open mind and can help to release any expectations we may not even realize we have. Happy training!

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