Use this tarot spread to examine the bond between two parties. Focus on the energy of the two people you are reading for, and while shuffling your cards, set your intention on the nature of the relationship: is the connection old, new, romantic, plutonic, professional, familial? This spread can be used for any kind of relationship or bond.

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For more on reading tarot for relationships, check out the replay of The Lover's Tarot: Reading for Relationships workshop with Mary Sue!
Mary Sue also graciously hosted me on her podcast, Sex Work for the Soul, talking all about Sex & Astrology! So if you enjoy learning about how to use tarot for relationships, and you're interested in learning about astrology for relationships, make sure you check out our episode (available Feb 14th!) and subscribe to Sex Work for the Soul!
Comment below what you thought of The Connection Spread, and share a picture of your cards in Mighty Networks or on social media!
