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Hey there, my witchy, lunar-loving, spiritual friend —

Are you having trouble learning how to read your birth chart?
I have a 4-part course that makes the entire process so. much. clearer.

Your birth chart is an incredibly valuable resource in this life. If there’s anything in human history that has ever come close to a working parts manual, astrology is it.


And yet even the most avid believers of astrology instantly shy away from diving into the cosmic code of their birth chart. Instead you’re left to the horoscopes and forecasts of professionals that read for hundreds, if not thousands, or even millions of people at a time.


How are you supposed to know which parts apply to specifically to you?


Astrology is one of the most ancient studies and practices on this Earth– you know there’s a reason it is still just as widely used in modern day.


It’s why you...

Listen to that podcast. 😉

Saved that social media post.

Look up the phase of the moon.


It resonates with you deeply, and it’s probably helped you at some point too.

Image by Jake Weirick
If any of this sounds familiar,
I want you to ask yourself honestly:

→ Do you want to learn how to read your birth chart for yourself?
→ Are you holding yourself back because you feel overwhelmed and have no idea where to begin?

If your answers are no & no, then you don’t need this course!


If your answers are closer to yes…then you just found your new astrology instructor.


Hey, I’m Dani, 

And my birth chart classes are no-bullshit, digestible astrology. I make it my mission to directly improve the problems I encountered when I was learning to become a professional astrologer.


Astrology with That Witch Next Door is a series of four levels of self-paced digital courses designed to take you from knowing next to nothing, to actually understanding your birth chart.


When I was first learning astrology I found myself getting stuck constantly, and it wasn’t until I finally sought out a mentor that I was able to really make the connections necessary to actually read my chart.


This is why I developed my courses by combining traditional education + mentorship-style delivery to encourage the most effective learning and retention.

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What’s in the course?

Four (4) Levels of Astrology with That Witch Next Door

Level 01:
Bones of the Chart

  • Get to know your unique planets & houses

  • Who rules what

  • What all these different pieces mean & how they work together

Level 02:
Layers of the Zodiac Signs

  • Learn the signs at their very core

  • Recognizing zodiac signs IRL

  • The 4 elements in astrology

Level 03:
Degrees in the Chart

  • Making sense of all those numbers

  • How degrees tell the story

  • Connecting the dots within the chart

Level 04:
Reading Major Aspects

  • How the planets interact with each other

  • Decoding that web of colorful lines

  • Getting ready for transits

→ 7+ hours of video

→ Four (4) desktop-friendly PDF presentations

→ Four (4) mobile & printer-friendly digital workbooks
Image by Jake Weirick

What exactly is covered in each class?

 This one is the best place to start: 

Level 01:
The Bones of the Chart

2+ hours video

47-page mobile & printer friendly digital workbook

Complete PDF class presentation

In our first class we’ll learn about the overall structure + individual pieces of the chart:

  • The Four Major Angles

  • The 12 zodiac signs

  • Inner & Outer Planets

  • The 12 Astrological Houses

    • → And how this all works together


Psst! This is where you’ll learn about your Big 3

(sun, moon, and rising signs)

 This is the one most astrology courses rush through, but shouldn’t: 

Level 02:
The Layers of the Zodiac Signs

2.5 hours video

27-page mobile & printer friendly digital workbook

Complete PDF class presentation


Our next course covers the layers of flavor of the zodiac signs:

The purpose of this class is to understand the signs on even the most fundamental level, and to be able to apply this information later on in reading aspects.


Secretly this is my favorite one! hehe

 This is the one where
it really starts clicking: 

Level 03:
The Degrees in the Chart

1+ hour video

23-page mobile & printer friendly digital workbook

Complete PDF class presentation


What are they anyway?

In Level 03 we’ll venture first into the definition and mechanic function of the degrees, and then discuss the various theories of their archetypal role in the birth chart.


My students have had the most “ah-ha!” moments in this class.

 This is where our course ends, and your true astrology journey begins: 

Level 04:
Reading Major Aspects

1.5+ hours video

30-page mobile & printer friendly digital workbook

Complete PDF class presentation


Compiling all we’ve explored in Levels 01-03:

Level 04 is where we’ll learn about the 5 major aspects, and then apply our knowledge and practice to be able to identify and interpret these interactions between planets.


Look at you, my little graduate!

You can buy these courses individually
to fit your experience level,
or bundle + save!

Level 01:
Bones of the Chart 


Level 02:
Layers of the Zodiac Signs


Level 03:
Degrees in the Chart


Level 04:
Reading Major Aspects


Total Retail:


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Your price:  $398  $311!

Student Thoughts on the Courses

"Honestly, I knew my big 3…. That’s about it. I’ve learned SO MUCH about the Zodiac, the planets they are ruled by, and how each relates to what house. I’ve learned what the MC and IC are and what they mean. I’ve learned what degrees are under what sign (although I’m still kind of working on fully understanding 03 and 04 because there is just SO MUCH information jam packed into your astrology lessons!) Not only is your lessons on Astrology super helpful (and neatly laminated in my Astrology binder) but they also serve as references for better understanding later on if you are stuck on something! 10/10!"

- Nic G.

Questions or

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