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Daily Magick: Jupiter Thursdays

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

Astrology gives us the gift of divine perspective

A glimpse into a higher design of trials, explorations, and lessons all woven together with the purpose of transformation and soul growth as individuals and as a collective.

Witchcraft gives us the gift of tangible divine practice

A way of life that allows us to connect the magick to the mundane, to harness and work with the soul purpose we discover through spiritual exploration.

Astrology + Witchcraft, when practiced together, therefore amplify one another and further expand their potential.

And one of the simplest ways to begin intertwining these together is working with the planetary rulers of the days of the week in your magickal routines and rituals.

Daily cosmic witchcraft can be as simple as inviting the ruler of whatever day it currently is to join in on whatever spiritual practice you're already doing, so don't overthink things! But I also know how fun and helpful it can be to get to know and work with a new spiritual entity on a deeper level, so I wanted to be give us all the opportunity to really explore each of the major planets to encourage your own natural practice to form on its own.


Thursday, ruled by Jupiter

Planet of Expansion, Growth, Optimism, Perception, Barrier-Breaking, Long-term/Life Dreams & Vision,

Astro Quick Facts:
  • Role: How we grow and expand our inner and outer world.

  • Element: Fire 🜂

  • Rules/Domicile: Sagittarius ♐🏹, Pisces ♓🐟

  • Detriment/Opposite: Gemini ♊👯, Virgo ♍🪄

  • Generation: Inner/peer placement

  • Day of the Week: Thursday

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The way I first connected with Jupiter was actually also how I began working with planets on the day of the week they each ruled. For a year or two up until that point I had decided that everything shitty that happened to me happened on Thursdays. Those were the days that every tiny mistake and mishap rolled into the next and by the end of the day I'd be flattened out by the giant snowball that came crashing down the mountain. I was complaining about this to my astrology mentor at the time, to which she responded, "Hmm sounds like you have some work to do with Jupiter. Jupiter rules Thursdays." She then assigned me some homework to get to know this placement in my chart (which I really hadn't done on an in-depth level yet) to see how tapping into this energy affected my Thursdays moving forward.

Over the years I've learned about Jupiter's energy from a wide variety of sources (and I suggest you do the very same), and the way I've come to understand this energy really took on its shape when I started deeply considering what it meant to be considered our planet of optimism, luck, and fortune. How odd, to have a placement that indicates something we associate with happenchance within a methodology that time and time again illustrates divine purpose and role of all things, that essentially nothing is a "coincidence," at least not in the way we perceive it to be.

If Earth is our learning platform in this life, then everything that takes place in our existence presents us with the opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Yes, free will exists. Yes, we can make choices and decisions that we perceive to be "completely random" to whatever spiritual design we're trying to prove can be deviated from. But the more you study the Universe, the more you'll find that even after what we believe to be our most severe deviations from the "design," we still seem to end up right where we're supposed to every time...

When I take all of this into consideration, and I start thinking about things like luck and optimism and fortune, it sends my head into a tailspin. Where, how, and why does luck and fortune fit in with all of that?

It was through developing my own relationship with Jupiter that I began answering these questions.

Anything can be perceived as good or bad luck given the right time and perception.

Our optimism, or lack thereof, lay in our perception.

To even begin being able to visualize our expansion and growth, we start with our outlook, our perception.

So, what shapes our perception? Where and how we grow up, what and who we witness, and the different kinds of experiences we are exposed to throughout our life.

On Thursdays, ask yourself:

How can I be present in my current outlook without completely letting go of the wheel?

  • Jupiterian rule of thumb: start with gratitude. Time and time and time again this one proves itself. I've been prescribing this medicine for myself and my clients any time the symptoms read: cynical, hopeless, and stuck. Jupiter is our ability to pull ourselves out of the self-destructing depths of gloom and misery, even when all hope seems lost, even when it seems truly impossible. Jupiter is our inner knight in shining armor coming to rescue ourselves from the tower we were imprisoned in (whether it was someone else or ourselves that put us in there). The quickest, easiest, and most effective way to do this at anytime is with gratitude work. No matter how big or how small, the practice of giving thanks starts like a tiny seed that can bloom into the most fruitful tree if we lean into it.

  • Scanning your environment. Have you ever heard the phrase, "you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with?" I don't know if it's as simple as that, but the point here is to get you to take a real hard look at who and what you're exposing yourself to. Essentially, if you're surrounded by and feeding yourself with the kinds of people and things that make you feel like shit, it's going to really shape your perception into expecting everything to be shit. There are aspects of our environment that we are attached to in very complex and tangled ways, and I am in no way saying that everything is as easy as simply cutting it out of your view. I do, however, want you to be honest with yourself. Sometimes the clarity of truth can be painful and even terrifying, AND I also believe Jupiter is associated with luck and fortune for a reason. When we embrace that truth, we awarded handsomely in confidence and ambition.

  • Dust off your vision board. Visualization practices can help us detach from the boundaries of our limiting beliefs and open ourselves up to possibilities beyond our imagination. As adults, our imagination becomes increasingly dependent on what we've experienced and what surrounds us in our current environment, and that's why it's so important to continue bringing awareness to with whom and how you spend your time, what you see and experience, and where you get inspiration from. All of these factors impact your outlook and aspiration. And likewise, the use of intentional visualization can in turn help you transmute your environment for growth, too.

  • Confidence is key. Now don't freak out if you're not a naturally very confident person! That's not a requirement. This is more about committing to building faith and trust in yourself. Even the most secure people experience self-doubt because most people care to at least some extent about the consequences of their actions, and nothing is ever guaranteed. Jupiter asks us to trust in what calls to us, even when it's something far away or unknown—yet another aspect of this planet that is rooted in our perception. There is nothing outside of us that can get us to believe in ourselves, no matter how much tangible evidence we may have. It will always ultimately come down to an inner trust.

  • Expansion happens even when we don't want it to. Our perception will always expand further on what we're experiencing, it's like a domino effect—something happens, we feel some type of way about it, and as we process the event we elaborate and expand on it. Think about the effect on you after someone unexpectedly gives you a genuine compliment, or when you witness a precious moment between two people you notice in public, or how it feels when you spontaneously receive a discount or a free prize in a giveaway. All of these things will "brighten" your day, would they not? The experience grows beyond the instance itself and it permeates the following events in your life, sometimes for a long time sometimes just a little while. Now think about what happens when you get bad news, when you accidentally break one of your favorite things, when you receive a rude look, when you lose money (in all senses of the term). Man, that shit really permeates throughout your day, doesn't it? Jupiter doesn't want us to try and bypass our negative experiences, but it does teach us not to be completely swallowed whole by them either.

Check your chart:


-Look at the sign your Jupiter is in.

-What planet rules that sign?

-Your Jupiter is in _________ and ruled by _________.


--Look at which house your Jupiter placement is in.

--What sign rules that house in your chart? --What planet rules that sign?

--The area of life your optimism and outlook is most centered around is the _________ House, which is in the sign of _________ and ruled by the planet _________.


---Do you have any aspects to your Jupiter placement in your natal chart?

---Are there any current transits aspecting your natal Jupiter?

---Is current transiting Jupiter aspecting any parts of your natal chart?

*Tip: combine this information with the Jupiter Placement Journal Guide

^ ^ ^ What To Do With Any or All of the Above:

Ultimately, your intuition is going to be the best guide when nurturing your planetary relationships. I recommend keeping these Jupiterian concepts in mind, taking that knowledge into your Thursday, and letting it permeate how you spend your time.

Jupiter Magick Activities:

Fire - Creativity and adventure are excellent fire-sparking activities that can activate and honor Jupiter's energy. You can seize a moment by grabbing some artwork supplies, cooking up a completely new recipe, listening to a different genre of music, signing up for a new class at the gym or local rec center, etc. The key here is to expose yourself to experiences that are unfamiliar and out of the ordinary for you!

Amping up your gratitude practice - Start with something as simple as saying thank you for small conveniences that happen throughout the day and start to recognize these as little gifts from Jupiter. Let your gratitude work really develop into its own larger practice that becomes a special bond between you and Jupiter's energy. You can write letters, perform acts of kindness, donate or volunteer at an organization, repeat prayers of thanks, offer to help someone who looks like they could use it, and so much more. How can you put your appreciation into action?

Exercise your visualization muscles - Things like daydreaming, planning adventures, picturing an ideal goal or habit for yourself, meditating with a specific intention, are all different ways you can use your visualization skills. This is not always as easy as it may sound! So don't give up if it feels like a clunky practice at first. Often times this is a personal block we are encountering and working through—remember, Jupiter is an expander, so you are bound to encounter obstacles in the road—don't let it stop you!

Affirmation work - This kind of practice is to bring healing and strength to your outlook at perception. Particularly when you are feeling the least potentiality in the actual words of an affirmation is likely the time you are needing it the most. It can be especially effective if you find a rhythm or chanting repetition of the phrase, and you can super boost this by speaking to yourself in a mirror in your space that you have cleansed and charged with your positive intentions (think about what you want reflected back at you, especially when you are in a very dark place).

Prosperity & Fortune spells - I don't personally recommend doing this kind of witchcraft without having some kind of active shadow work or healing practice for yourself. Mainly because when we seek prosperity and fortune from a place of scarcity or demand, we're going to call in shallow, hollow, or superficial resources that may seem nice on the outside, but lack substance and longevity within. Jupiter gets us to do the visualization work, but what we receive is not always what we originally picture, and this is always a good thing whether we're able to understand why or not.

Think of it as a good friend who has a little more intel than you, who shows up and says, "I know you asked me to pick up sandwiches from the place around the corner, but trust me when I say the place across town is where it's AT." And proceeds to give you the best sandwich you never knew you needed. So, don't be afraid to call in prosperity and fortune, just trust that the process and outcome that unfolds is in your best interest.

Grab your paintbrush - Okay, so technically we had a brief little mention above about doing some creative activities, but Jup reeeally wanted me to take the time to reinforce this through the modality of artmaking. First of all, it certainly doesn't have to be painting specifically. The main point here is that all of us as children used to explore our creative energy through all kinds of ways. And for one reason or another, many, if not most of us, we either gradually or abruptly disconnected from these activities. If you're like me, you started comparing your skills at a very early age to those around you, and maybe you didn't have an encouraging and supportive environment around you to continue building your confidence. Whatever the reason is for you, I want this to serve as a big important reminder that creative play is not about the outcome. It's not about how it looks compared to others'. It's not about loving the end result so much you'd display it in a museum. It is about the act itself, it is about tapping into the pure creative flow itself.

This doesn't have to be daunting or expensive. It can be as messy and big, or simple and small as you like. Get to the dollar store, especially if you're just starting out or practicing, and let your intuition guide you in the craft aisle. You can look up ideas on Pinterest or social media, but I also think that creating some space for abstract work is hugely beneficial too. Don't worry about the result, and focus on what feels FUN.


To sum up:

Remember as always, there is no wrong way to work with Jupiter's magick! I hope this lesson serves as a helpful jumping off point that inspires you to allow your own natural planetary practice to evolve and grow over time. Get curious, and get excited. It's fun to work closely with a planet or a celestial body, and to see how your unique connection unfolds in your spiritual practice and in your life.

Comment below if this was helpful for you, and any other questions you have about working with Jupiter!

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Kayla Rae
Kayla Rae
Oct 12, 2023


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