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Tarot Bonding Visualization

Intuition Strength Training

Today's exercise is inspired by and adapted from a different tarot visualization exercise in Mary K. Greer's Tarot for Your Self workbook. Except ours wont necessarily be based strictly on the Rider Waite Smith deck (unless you'd like it to) because you can use this with any deck you like, which makes this a wonderful activity to revisit again and again.

There are a few ways you can perform this exercise:

  1. Read through the instructions a few times until you get the basic idea, and go through the visualization on your own.

  2. Record yourself reading the instructions, and then listen to it like a guided meditation.

  3. Have someone else record themselves reading the instructions (in case you don't want to listen to your own voice for any reason).

  4. Use this as a guide or template, and create your own freestyle visualization with your deck.


  • Strengthen your connection to your deck and your cartomancy capabilities.

  • Reinforce and build trust with your intuition.

  • Practice your own visualization technique.

You Will Need:

  • A sacred deck of cards

  • A notebook and something to write with

  • A quiet space

  • About 10+ minutes, depending on how long you'd like/are able to stay in meditation


  1. Ground, cleanse, and protect your energy in your preferred method. Prepare your energy and your space for ritual work and magick.

  2. Take some deep cleansing breaths, and make a promise to yourself that for the duration of this ritual you release any self-doubt. Tap into your heart center and honor your promise.

  3. If you don't already know which deck you'd like to work with, let your intuition guide you here--you can't choose wrong, ask which deck as the strongest/most aligned message for you in that moment, and let it call to you.

  4. If the cards are in a box or back, go ahead now and take them out. Let yourself admire their details; the texture, the artwork, the weight of the cardstock, the size of the cards. Knock on your deck three times.

  5. Shuffle the cards as many times as feels necessary, all the while focusing on connecting with the energy of the cards themselves. Each time you shuffle is a bonding experience, and the connection between you two grows stronger and stronger.

  6. Cut the deck into two or three piles, and then restack them together, and hold the deck at your heart. Allow your eyes to close.

  7. Let the beat of your heart pulse into the cards. The bond between the two of you is tangible in this moment. It fills you and surrounds you. What magick you're giving and receiving!

  8. In your mind or out loud, communicate your intention for the day or the question weighing most on your heart. Let your message absorb into the deck.

  9. Keeping your eyes closed, let the card reveal itself. You already know where it is located, let your intuition guide your hands and your fingers until you have a single card in your hand--don't look at it yet.

  10. Connect with the energy of this card. What are you feeling? What are you sensing? What images or words are coming to you? Don't worry about if they "make sense" or not, trust the process, trust your intuition, trust the cards.

  11. Write down what is coming up for you (you can open your eyes if you like) you can write words or you can draw symbols or images. This is not a place for judgment, let it flow.

  12. When you're ready, look at the card.

  13. Write down what the card is, and make note of any special meaning from the deck's guidebook. What connections are there between what you sensed and what is on the card?

  14. When you are finished, thank your cards and thank yourself. Write down any thoughts or feelings you're experiencing post-exercise. Close out your ritual as you wish, and save all your notes somewhere they can be referenced again (like in a journal, grimoire, or Book of Shadows, etc.) I also recommend noting the date, time, and position and sign the moon is currently in.


There is no specific outcome that we're "supposed" to reach with this exercise, but instead focus our energy mainly on bonding with our deck and bonding with our intuition.

So even if you're having trouble in this present moment connecting the messages that came forth for you + the card that you drew, don't sweat! Remember instruction #2 up there, "make a promise to yourself that for the duration of this ritual you release any self-doubt." It can take time for intuitive messages to fully bloom--weeks, months, and yes even years :) Hence the value of your journal or grimoire!

Download the printable pdf:

If you're not with us in Mighty Networks for the Live event + discussion thread, I would LOVE to hear your experience with this visualization in the comments below!

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Jennifer Kauffman
Jennifer Kauffman
Jan 09, 2023

Finally able to do this exercise this morning. I had asked about moving but what i got was centered around what is going on. No coincidence that the schumann resonance went off line for 2 days and the came back online Sunday and the earth's energy skyrocketed. I pretty lost my job. It was a very toxic environment and i had begun to speak out about what has been going on and people didnt like that and so i was used as the scapegoat. I had a reading last night that pointed towards this job ending pointed towards the ending of some major karmic lessons and this job no longer serves me.

So that is a little back story. So…

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